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Plug & Play IP Webcams

Our Plug and Play IP webcams are simplest way to quickly get your own webcam streaming to your own web site through the Camsecure Live Streaming Service. You install the camera, power it up, plug it in to your router and within a couple of minutes your camera is on line and streaming. Just paste the code we give you straight in to your own web page and the live camera is there.

There are a lot of advantages for using our plug and Play IP Webcams for websites. With our cameras and our service you don't have to program your router, you don't need a static IP address, You don't need a DNS name, it does not matter if you get a new router or change your ISP or even if you move house, and our system is highly secure as your camera makes the connection straight to our servers so there are no gateways through your router in to your network system so there are no issues using our plug and play cameras with secure on line card payment systems on the same network.

Our great range of plug and play webcams includes fixed focus, wide angle, extra wide angle, varifocal and Panoramic 180 degree view cameras, and now a full PTZ camera too.

You can even make the camera portable if you wish. Providing you have a good internet connection for the camera you are good to go.

Standard Angle View Body Style - Plug and Play

Plug and Play IP Camera

Choose your options below or see the camera full specification here.


Wide Angle View Turret Style - Plug & Play

Plug and Play turret Camera Wide Angle

Choose your options below or see the camera full specification here.


Wide Angle View Body Style - Plug and Play

Wide Angle plug and play bullet IP webcam

Choose your options below or see the camera full specification here.


Standard Angle View Turret Style - Plug & Play

Letterbox style Turret IP Webcam

Choose your options below or see the camera full specification here.


Varifocal 2.7 to 13.5mm Camera - Plug & Play

Varifocal Plug and Play IP Camera

Choose your options below or see the camera full specification here..


Varifocal 2.7 to 13.5mm Turret Camera - Plug & Play

Varifocal Plug and Play turret Camera

Choose your options below or see the camera full specification here..


Standard View with Built in Microphone - Plug & Play

Plug and Play IP Camera with built in microphone

Choose your options below or see the camera full specification here...


Standard View with Line Audio Input - Plug & Play

Plug and Play Website Camera with Line Audio Input

Choose your options below or see the camera full specification here...


Budget Turret with microphone - Plug & Play

budget plug and play camera with microphone

Choose your options below or see the camera full specification here...


Internal Varifocal with Line Audio Input - Plug & Play

Internal Play dome with audio input

Choose your options below or see the camera full specification here...


12X Zoom Camera (5mm to 60mm) - Plug & Play

5mm to 60mm Zoom IP Webcam for Websites - plug and play

Choose your options below or see the camera full specification here....


Panoramic 180 Degree View - Plug & Play

Panoramic Webcam for Websites

Choose your options below or see the camera full specification here.....


To quickly get your live streaming webcam on your own website just follow the simple procedure

1, Choose and order your plug and play streaming camera (and power unit if needed) on line
2, Sign up here for the streaming plan you need - or you can just sign up for the basic annual plan while ordering the camera

We will then ship the camera pre-configured for you  and email you the code you need to paste in to your own web page so you can get everything ready for when the camera arrives.

3, When the camera and power unit arrives, just install it and plug it in and after a couple of minutes your live feed will be ready to view in your own web page.

When you order your plug and play webcam for websites you will also have the option to order it with 1 years streaming too. This is handy if you are a club or other organisation who would prefer to pay once annually instead of regularly each month. If you would prefer to do this then just choose that option from the payment button for your chosen camera. Then we will bill you each year on the start date anniverssary for as long as you want the stream to continue. Alternatively you can just purchase the camera and POE unit if required, then sign up here for the webcam hosting plan that best suits your needs.

If you decide you no longer need to use the streaming service then we simply cancel the subscription and reset the camera so you can use it like an ordinary IP camera.

If you would like a different specification plug and play camera from our current range we may be able to help with custom firmware for a different model to suit your requirements so just contact us if you have any queries about our service etc.

In the unlikely event of a problem with a plug and play camera not connecting, please check our plug and play webcam support page here first.

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